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Our top picks to get you started
Anki extension for Raycast
Compress the selected images in Finder with TinyPNG.
Search and open JetBrains Toolbox projects
The latest Extensions added to the Store
Convert Markdown text in clipboard to HTML
Search open links for address, transaction, block, token, and ens on Etherscan-like sites.
Simple Currency Exchange, uses Exchange Rate API as the data source
Just like on iPhone, turn off the wireless features on your macOS anytime.
Quickly start games on Chess.com
Controls Amphetamine using Raycast
Control Session pomodoro timers. Requires v2.6.23 or later installed: www.stayinsession.com
SM.MS image hosting service to upload and share images.
An avatar library for designers and developers. You can choose between simple identicons and lovely designed characters.
Show upcoming holidays for a country
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