Sprinkle a little magic on your day. Connect your tools, and take your daily workflow to the next level.
Browse and install extensions built by the community
Our top picks to get you started
Anki extension for Raycast
Compress the selected images in Finder with TinyPNG.
Search and open JetBrains Toolbox projects
The latest Extensions added to the Store
Compress PDF files
This extension hides all Applications—including Finder—leaving you with only the Desktop.
List your Airtable bases and follow deep links to specific tables, views, or your base's API docs.
Work with issues, pull requests, manage workflows, search repositories and stay on top of notifications
Search for a local Git project and open it with the specified application.
Stats and your tickets for the Defichain Lottery
Switch between Kubernetes namespaces
Offical Raycast Extensition of MarginNote
A simple timer to help you keep productive during work time.
Quick access to your Scaleway services
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