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Schoology - Grade Viewer

View your courselists, grades, graphs, and individual assignments quickly using Raycast.

Schoology Extension for Raycast

README Preview

  • This extension will only show a course in the Show Grades command if it has received at least one grade.
  • You can view all the graded assignments, including their titles, descriptions, attatchments, comments and grades
  • You also have FREE local notifications available. The extension checks every 20 minutes for a grade update and decides whether to send a notification or not based on whether a new assignment has been graded
    • You can manually check by activating the Check for Grade Updates command
    • You can disable the background refresh in settings, and this stops all notifications from showing up (unless you manually activate the command)

How to obtain Schoology Key and secret

  • Head to https://[district].schoology.com/api
    • Replace [district] with your district. For example, if I were in District ABCD, then my URL would be abcd.schoology.com/api.
      • Another way to think about this is to head to the URL that you use to log in to Schoology and append /api at the end.
    • Next, verify that you are a human being (unless you are a 🤖).
    • You should now have access to both your key and secret, which you can use to provide the Schoology extension with access to your grades.
      • You can do this by heading to the extension preferences ⌘ + shift + , and entering the credentials
  • Enjoy!

How to use

  • When you open the command Show Grades, you are immediately presented with the courses you have a grade in
    • See how long ago your grade has been updated
    • See the letter grade, followed by the percentage
      • I'm not using the custom grade scales that teachers present. Just the default. The reason is because I want to lower the requests I have to make to make this extension faster. Feel free to PR if you have ideas!
  • Click enter on the course to go further and view graded assignments
    • See the overall grade as a list item at the top
      • Click return to open the graph (which you can also open in browser to view the points more closely)
    • Below are each of the categories (with their weightage information in the section's title) with their assignments
      • for each assignment, you can see when it was graded, the score, and the letter grade
      • you can also view (and copy) the comment the teacher left on your assignment
      • grade exceptions (missing, excused etc) are also indicated in your gradebook
    • hit enter to go even further to see the assignment details
      • see the title, description, grade information, due date + graded date, and attachments for the selected assignment. even open it in the browser!

Enjoy seeing your grades at the press of a hotkey (mine is hyper + S) and enjoy a keyboard first way of viewing your grades.


  • Why is it occasionally so slow when checking the assignments?
    • unfortunately, schoology imposes a 50 requests per 5 second limit, which means that classes with MORE than 50 assignments will likely take more than 5 seconds to fully load
    • I haven't figured out anything to fix this yet, but please contribute if you think you know a way to fix it
  • When are what-if grades coming? Is that a planned feature?
    • Its a lot of work, but I will get to it soon. (as someone who uses this product, it does feel like something missing, and it'll definitely be a feature sometime in the near future)